Tuesday, December 24, 2019

December Smalls Check-In

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!

I hope everyone has a fabulous week and joy and celebration.  I wanted to post my finishes today in lieu of Friday.

Thank you again to Mary at Mary's Thread for hosting the Smalls SAL for 2019.  It has been so much fun to meet new stitchy friends and admire everyone's work.

I have 2 finishes for December and they are both Christmas presents.

1st is for my SIL and it is Mill Hill Beads and Buttons Kit called Teal Mask.  I really enjoyed stitching this one.  I made some mistakes; but I covered it up so you can't tell. 

The second finish was Snowflake SAL by Stitchonomy.  I did this as a gift to my mom since she loves the color purple.  It is done on iced-dyed 28ct Monaco fabric and DMC jewel & metallic threads and Mill Hill beads. This is the 2nd SAL from Alyssa I have participated in, and it has been so much fun.  She is such a sweet and generous designer.  She has a new SAL starting on February first called House Plants SAL and you have until January 31, 2020 to signup.
 Her website is:

Oops, here is my finish

If you get on her mailing list she will explain how to join the SAL if you so desire.  There is also a Facebook group called Stitchonomy Stitch Alongs to talk and show off all of your Stitchonomy work.

Well that is all for now.  Thank you all for subscribing and commenting.  See ya in 2020.


  1. Mary, two very gorgeous Smalls finishes and I cannot see any mistakes at all!

  2. Lovely finishes Mary.

    Happy New Year.

  3. Two gorgeous finishes - I especially love the mask! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and happy new year to you x

  4. Two lovely finishes. The mask is beautiful and I love your version of the Snowflakes. I did enjoy that SAL.

  5. Happy New Year Mary! It is so good to be back in blogland again. I have missed all of my blogging friends so much.

    Your two stitches are lovely. You finished them beautifully. I really love the mask alot. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever


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Smalls SAL for April

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