Friday, May 31, 2024

Smalls SAL - May 2024

 Good Evening Everyone,

Thank you to Rachael at The Ten Hour Stitcher for hosting this Smalls SAL.  If you want to showcase your work, hop on over to her blog and participate.  We all love to see what everyone is working on, and cheer each other on.

This month has flown by like I thought it would.  It was lovely to see my college aged son and for all of us to hang out with each other.  I tried to cross stitch as much as I could.  I am sorry it has been a few weeks since I have posted anything.  

I do not have actual smalls but I do have portions of 2 projects that fit into this challenge.  The first one is from the JCS August 2023 issue.  It is called Grand Old Flag by Wrought Iron Stitching.  I love patriotic and hearts, so I immediately fell in love with it.  Here is the picture from the magazine.

I chose a 28 ct piece of random linen and some floss from my stash.  I am trying to stitch about 3 hearts a day.  

I also worked on Louisiana.  I finished the A N A in Louisiana.  I am really happy to have that done.

Here is a before picture:

Here is the after picture:
Well, June is my birthday month so I am excited for some new starts.  I had 4 new starts for May and I plan to do about 5 in June. My other plans are to finish Grand Old Flag by the end of the month, work on at least 1 ornament for my mom (I didn't work on one in May), and rotate some of my other wips.  

Thank you for looking at my blog and I have you have a wonderful stitchy weekend.


1 comment:

  1. Grand Old Flag is looking great, good progress on Louisiana too. Good luck with your June projects


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Smalls SAL - May 2024

 Good Evening Everyone, Thank you to Rachael at  The Ten Hour Stitcher  for hosting this Smalls SAL.  If you want to showcase your work, hop...